Store & Breeding Sale

30th June 2023

A small show of cattle forward with all classes realising full potential. Top of £1455 for a Limousin Steer from E&BJ Jenkinson, Croft House, Beckermet. Heifers sold to £1285 for a Simmental from W Postlethwaite & S Pitchford, Near Swallowhurst, Bootle.   


Store cattle


Steers – Limousin- 1455 Croft House. 1095, 1075 Langley Farm. Hereford- 1125 Burnt House.


Heifers –Simmental- 1285, 1085, 1035 Near Swallow Hurst. Hereford- 1095, Burnt House .  Beef Shorthorn- 1095, 1005 Ehenside.   Limousin- 1075 The Howe.


Feeding Bulls- Stabiliser- 1115, 915 Stoney Howe. Limousin- 1105, 1065 Grove Farm. 1105 Howe Green .


Cows & Calves- Beef Shorthorn- 1450 Spring Bank. Blonde d’ Aquitaine- 1400 North Mosses.