Our August Show and Sale of Store Lambs was expertly judged by Stuart and Connor Miller, Allerby Hall. Champion was awarded to a fine pen of Beltex Lambs consigned by Messrs Allen & Dickinson, Windrush, which later realised £124.
With an abundance of grass in the surrounding countryside and strong Prime Lamb return, we had a packed ringside of buyers ensuring an outstanding trade was achieved for all types. Overall sale average £86.73, up £4.01 on the year.
Show of Store Lambs
1st A & M Roberts, Riggingill
2nd G Crayston, Thornholme
3rd R Wilson, Dockray Nook
1st Allen & Dickinson, Windrush
2nd Allen & Dickinson, Windrush
3rd R Wilson, Dockray Nook
Hill Bred
1st W & PA Walton, Low Kinmont
2nd RBR Knowles, Stool End
3rd G & AE Marrs, Cathow
1st JE & A Wilson, Far End
Champion Allen & Dickinson, Windrush
Res Champion Allen & Dickinson, Windrush
Suffolk – 94, Far End. 82, WCG Holdings. 78.50, Far End.
Beltex – 136, 136, 124, 116, 113, Windrush. 114, 109, 100, Cornhow. 108, 90, 85, Woodhall Brow.
Texel – 118, Low Priorscales. 116, 109.50, Scalderskew. 111, 109, Riggingill. 110, Chance Cottages. 110, Dockray Nook. 108, Noran Bank.
Cheviot – 98, 89, Noran Bank.
Mule – 90, Low Kinmont. 76.50, 76, Whinnerah. 75.50, 70, Cathow.
Badgerface – 79, Bully House.