Market Report for Friday 08th September 2023
On a glorious day of weather and grass still growing. A huge ring of buyers turned out to buy store lambs. Possibly the strongest trade seen this year with an average of £80.21
Store cattle followed with a small offering as vendors looking to favour our Brian Smith memorial sale in a fortnight. Prices were still strong and reflected other centres.
Store cattle averaged £1221
Feeding Bulls- Charolais- 1055,975, 855 Mosser Heights.
Steers – Charolais- 1455 Grange Farm. Aberdeen Angus- 1435, 1425, 1395, 1385, 1205, 1135 Woodend. 1300, 1215, 1165 Brackenbarrow. Limousin- 1305 North Mosses. Beef Shorthorn- 1225, 1115, 1095 Burnt House Farm. Blonde Aquitaine- 1175, 1105,1005,975 North Mosses. British Blue- 1100 North Mosses.
Heifers –Limousin- 1495, 1465 Cubbin Farm. 1155 Ehenside Farm. Aberdeen Angus- 1255(2), 1200, 1095 Woodend. 1100, 1095Brackenbarrow. Beef Shorthorn- 1195, 1135 Ehenside Farm. 1095, 945 Burnt House Farm. Hereford- 915 Burnt House Farm.
Store Sheep-Texel- 150, 140, 91 Stockhill.
102, 98, 93 Causeyview. 99, 93 Woodhall Brow Farm.96, 95 Punderland Farm. Beltex- 112 Causeyview. 101 Woodhall Brow Farm. Texel X Herdwick- 70.50 Cragg House Farm . Mule- 66 Cathow.