A tremendous day was had at Mitchells Auction for the Annual Sale of True Traditional Lakeland Show of Suckled Calves and Store Cattle. This sale again exhibited superb quality in turn attracting new and returning customers. Record rates were witnessed delighting vendors.
The show was kindly sponsored by Midland Feeds, Fulton Land Rovers, Macmin, Dodd & Co Accountants and the Northwest Limousin Club. Judging was in the capable hands of Mr Ben Park, Holmrook. After sorting through some outstanding classes, the Championship was awarded to the British Blue Heifer from D Hatton, Knott End, Broughton in Furness. This stylish heifer later sold for £1680. Reserve honours went to the Limousin Steer from W Atkinson & Son, Demesne Farm, Whitehaven which sold for £1675. The day’s top price of £1780 also came from Demesne Farm with a Limousin Heifer selling for £1780.
Show Results
Limousin Heifer 1st W Atkinson & Son, Demense
2nd I & R Millard, Old Hyton
3rd J & E Nichol, Whinnerah
Limousin Steer 1st W Atkinson & Son, Demense
2nd J Hodgson, Woodend
3rd J Hodgson, Woodend
British Blue Heifer 1st D Hatton, Knott End
2nd J & E Nichol, Whinnerah
British Blue Steer 1st D Hatton, Knott End
2nd J & E Nichol, Whinnerah
3rd SG Benson, Horrace
Charolais Heifer 1st GD Strawson, Muncaster Head
2nd GD Strawson, Muncaster Head
3rd KG Holliday, Strudda Bank
Charolais Steer 1st J Hodgson, Woodend
2nd J Hodgson, Woodend
3rd GD Strawson, Muncaster Head
AOB Heifer 1st E Noble, Mill Farm
2nd E Noble, Mill Farm
3rd Messrs Clark, Fangs Brow
AOB Steer 1st E Noble, Mill Farm
2nd F Buchanan, Roan Croft
3rd F Buchanan, Roan Croft
Charolais Champion J Hodgson, Woodend
Overall Champion D Hatton, Knott End
Reserve Champion W Atkinson & Son, Demense
Leading Averages
D Hatton, Knott End 3 averaged £1536.67
W Atkinson & Son, Demense 5 averaged £1426.00
J & E Nichol, Whinnerah 7 averaged £1359.29
S Hardisty & Son, How Hall 5 averaged £1305.00
I & R Millard, Old Hyton 3 averaged £1211.67
J Hodgson, Woodend 20 averaged £1181.75
E Noble, Mill Farm 8 averaged £1143.75
GD Strawson, Muncaster 32 averaged £1007.50
Leading Prices
Steers: – Limousin– 1675, Demense. 1505, 1475, 1275, 1245, 1245, 1215, 1185, 1185, 1055, 1045, Woodend. 1445, 1365, How Hall. 1435, Knott End. 1375, 1285, 1235, 1195, 1185, Whinnerah. 1365 (2), 1225, 1035, Langley. 1245, Old Hyton. 1165, 1125, 1115, 1085, 1005 (2), 995, 965, Newhouse Farm. 1165, 1155, 985, Fangs Brow. 1145, 995 (2), 945 (3), Strudda Bank. 1065 (2), Whitestones. 1045, 965, High Beckcote. 1045, 1015, 945, Horrace Farm. British Blue – 1495, Knott End. 1475, Whinnerah. 1225, Langley. 1185, 1135, 1125, 1015, 995, 955 (3), 945, 945 (2), Hinning House. 1085, Horrace Farm. 1045, Newhouse Farm. Charolais – 1355, 1355, Woodend. 1245, 1105 (3), 1085, 1075 (4), 1065 (3), 1015 (3), 905 (2), Muncaster Head. 1135, 1125 (4), 1105 (3), 1065 (3), 1045 (2), 965 (3), Stonecroft. 1095, Strudda Bank. 1005, Mosser Heights. 1005, 975, 935 (2), 905 (2), Seaton Hall. 975, Horrace Farm. 915 (5), 895 (7), Croft House. Blonde – 1315, 1165, 1085, 995, Mill Farm. 1195, 1185, Roan Croft. 865, Croft House. Simmental – 1095, Strudda Bank. Aberdeen Angus – 1045, 1025, Ehenside. 1015, Mill Farm. 875, Croft House.
Heifers: - Limousin – 1780, 1255, 1215, 1205, Demense Farm. 1245, 1155, 975 (2), Horrace Farm. 1245, 1225, How Hall. 1205, 1045, 965, Langley Farm. 1155, 1125, 1115, 965, Woodend. 1055, 985 (2), Fangs Brow. 1005 (2), Whitestones. 995, Strudda Bank. 965, Muncaster Head. British Blue – 1680, Knott End. 1535, Whinnerah. 1185, 1025, 935, 915 (3), 905 (2), 905 (2), Hinning House. 935, Stonecroft. Blonde – 1405, 1205, 965, Mill Farm. Charolais – 1195, Woodend. 1075 (3), 1005, 925 (2), 915 (3), 915 (3), 1035, 945, 945, 935 (3), Stonecroft. 985, Mosser Heights. 935 (6), Strudda Bank.
Bulls: - Charolais – 1215 (2), 1035 (4), Strudda Bank. Limousin – 1295, 1285, 1235, 1195, Rose Cottage. 995, Mite House. Simmental – 1135, Strudda Bank. 1125, 1105, 1065, 1045, 1035, Nr Swallowhurst Farm. 1075 (2), 1000 (4), Tortolocate. British Blue – 905, Mite House.
Steers - Aberdeen Angus: 1235, 1095, 1065, 1015, 1015, Whitekeld. Charolais – 1195, Nr Branthwite Edge. 1045, Mosser Heights. Limousin – 1555, 1475, Cubbin Farm. 1195, 1105, Crooklands. 1165, 1095, 1055, 1035, Aikbank. 1105, Outgang.
Heifers – Charolais – 1105, 1015, 1005, Nr Branthwaite Edge. Limousin – 1695, Cubbin Farm. 1245, Mosser Mains. 1245, How Hall. 1115, Crooklands.